Google Drive File Stream Client – Do You Need It?

After a closed beta testing phase which was only open to customers and partners who specifically applied for access, Google recently made its brand-spanking-new enterprise file access client available to the general public. General being a relative term as it works...

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Can I Afford To Use G Suite?

The question should rather be "Can I NOT afford to use G Suite?" On any scale of economy there are few businesses, big or small, that can afford the massive network infrastructure that is Google. With this infrastructure come a number of benefits that small and medium...

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Why Move To Google G Suite?

Google's G Suite has evolved in leaps and bounds over the last number of years. Finding its foundation in the free, publicly available, evergreen Gmail it has grown into the leading cloud-based business application suite of recent times. G Suite was born in the cloud...

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Why Use a G Suite Reseller?

One of the motivations for moving to Google G Suite is its ease of use. Setting up a new, very basic Google G Suite domain can definitely be completed successfully by a person with relatively little IT experience but lots of patience and good reading skills (yes, you...

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Can you risk leaving your G Suite environment up to anyone else but the EXPERTS?